# Let's start development


Developers who are not used to Git functionality (branches, reset, rebase) should use a GUI client. GUI clients make it easy to develop while keeping in mind the tree structure of the Git repository and related considerations.

# First Time

Perform the following steps in a terminal inside your GROWI-Dev devcontainer.

# Install Dependencies

Execute the bootstrap script with turbo.

turbo run bootstrap

Alternatively, you can use the yarn command. But then you have to run it in the project root.

cd ${project root dir}
pnpm install


DO NOT USE npm install or yarn.

# Launch Development Server

Open a terminal, and launch the development server.
You can exit with Ctrl-C.

# Server for developing frontend

  1. cd apps/app
  2. Use turbo run dev to:
    • Launch express server and Next.js development server.
    • Run dev scripts of dependent sub-packages, followed by the main dev script.
    • Detect changes in the apps/app directory and auto-restart the server.

# Auto-build for sub-packages

Sub-packages are managed in package packages/* which is separate from the main app package (apps/app), and neither change detection nor auto restarting does not work with the dev script of the app. To code on the development server with change detection for sub-packages, open a new terminal and run the following command.

The following example is for watching packages/core. You can exit with Ctrl-C.

  1. cd packages/core
  2. turbo run watch

# Additional Launches

Each time the application is launched, repeat the steps under First Time.

# List of npm Scripts

Here are the main commands used in development.
Check also the script section of apps/app/package.json to see all commands you can use.


Execute the following command under the apps/app directory.

command desc
dev Launch Express server for development.
Watch file changes and rebuild automatically.
dev:migrate:create Create a new migration file.
dev:migrate:status Check which migrations are applied or not.
dev:migrate:up Apply all pending migrations.
dev:migrate:down Revert (only) the last applied migration.
dev:migrate [Alias] Invoke migrate:up.
lint Run code linting.
test Run unit/integration tests.

# Production Build and Execution


Execute the following command under the apps/app directory.

  1. Install dependencies

    turbo run bootstrap
  2. Build for production

    turbo run build

# Access database with MongoDB for VS Code

https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=mongodb.mongodb-vscode (opens new window)

Connection to add: mongodb://mongo

# How to Use Playwright Test for VSCode

# Preparation

pnpm playwright install chromium
pnpm playwright install-deps

# Running Tests from the Editor

  1. Open the Testing tool from the sidebar.
  2. Check all projects starting with auth and chromium in the PLAYWRIGHT group.
    1. Note: The test run button will not appear unless these are checked.
  3. Run the tests.