# Launch devcontainer


The below documentation details our development environment at WESEEK Inc. It may include some tools that are not necessary for your use case.

# Launch

  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. From the Remote Connection indicator, open the devcontainer repository
    • indicator
    • Remote-Containers: Open folder in Container...
    • Select the weseek/growi repository
      • WSL path for Windows: \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\{your account}\Projects\GROWI\growi
        • Replace {your account} with your own account name
  3. For first time users wait 5-10 minutes for the download and building of various docker container images.
  4. If there was no error, you should see docker containers in Remote Explorer in the sidebar
    • ready

# Confirmation

To ensure there were no errors in setup, confirm the following information in the GROWI-Dev devcontainer window.

# Git Settings

  • In terminal, display your Git settings. They should look similar to the following.
    • In Windows, check the WSL global settings

    • In Mac, check the local PC global settings

      node ➜ /workspace/growi-docs (master) $ git config -l --show-origin
      file:/home/node/.gitconfig      user.name=Your Name
      file:/home/node/.gitconfig      user.email=yourname@example.com
      file:/home/node/.gitconfig      core.autocrlf=false
      file:/home/node/.gitconfig      credential.helper=!f() { /home/node/.vscode-server/bin/a5d1cc28bb5da32ec67e86cc50f84c67cc690321/node /tmp/vscode-remote-containers-c717012556037588bd78c4b869724bf548d49841.js $*; }; f
    • It is normal for the credential.helper setting to look like a script as shown above

# Troubleshooting

# Remote WSL connestion failure

# Symptom of the problem

sh: 1: /scripts/wslServer.sh: not found

# Resolution

  1. Uninstall VSCode
  2. Delete C:\Users\${YourAccount}\.vscode
  3. Reinstall VSCode