Let's start development


Developers who are not used to Git functionality (branches, reset, rebase) should use a GUI client. GUI clients make it easy to develop while keeping in mind the tree structure of the Git repository and related considerations.

First Time

Perform the following steps in a terminal inside your GROWI-Dev devcontainer.

Install Dependencies

Execute with npx because lerna package is not installed.

npx lerna bootstrap


DO NOT USE npm install or yarn

Launch Development Server

Open a terminal, run the development server.
You can exit with Ctrl-C.

Server for developing frontend

  1. cd packages/app
  2. Use yarn dev to:
    • Launch express server and Next.js development server.
    • Detect changes in source files and auto-restart the server.

Auto-build preset themes

Preset theme source (scss) is managed in package packages/preset-themes which is separate from the main app package (packages/app), and is built only once when you run yarn dev. To modify the look and feel of a preset theme while coding on the development server with change detection, open a new terminal and run the following command: You can exit with Ctrl-C.

  1. cd packages/preset-themes
  2. yarn dev

Additional Launches

Each time the application is launched, repeat the steps under First Time.

Section Install Dependencies can be executed with yarn if the lerna package is installed in node_modules.

yarn lerna bootstrap

List of npm Commands

Here are the main commands used in development.
Check also the script section of packages/app/package.json to see all commands you can use.


Execute the following command under the packages / app directory.

command desc
dev Launch Express server for development.
Watching file chages and rebuild automatically.
test Run unit/integration tests.
lint Run code linting.
migrate:create Create a new migration file.
migrate:status Check which migrations are applied (or not.
migrate:up Apply all pending migrations.
migrate:down Revert (only) the last applied migration.
migrate [Alias] Invoke migrate:up.

Production Build and Execution


Execute the following command under the root directory of the repository.

  1. Install dependencies

    npx lerna bootstrap
  2. Build for production

    yarn lerna run build