# Write a page link

In GROWI, it is possible to write a link by the following two ways.

# Markdown 標準方式

The syntax is [Label](URL).

# Example 1: Inner page

# Markdown



<a href="/5a8b15576cf1e900242e0f43">/Sandbox</a>

# Example 2: External site

# Markdown



<a href="https://www.google.co.jp/" target="_blank">Google</a>

# Pukiwiki like linker

The format is the title and path between [[ and ]].

Title and Reference page are separated by > symbol and written like Title>Reference page.

The title is optional. The reference page can be described as a relative link based on the page being described.

# Example 3: Inner page

# Markdown



<a href="/Sandbox">/Sandbox</a>

# Markdown

The example for math is [[HERE>./Math]]


The example for math is <a href="/Sandbox/Math">HERE</a>

# Example 4: External site

# Markdown



<a href="https://www.google.co.jp/" target="_blank">Google</a>