Try GROWI on the demo site

This guide will walkthrough how to quickly create a page, create a child page, and navigate between parent and child pages.


Proceed to the demo site (opens new window) and log in with the account credentials provided.

Create a page

Create a page by clicking the Create button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Choose a title for your page by typing it in the box titled Create This Page, then click Create.

Paste the following content in the body of the page:

# FirstPage
## Header 1
* List 1
* List 2
## Header 2
1. Number List 1
2. Number List 2

A preview reflecting the contents is displayed on the right side of the screen, updating in real time.

Create Button

Press the Create button at the bottom right of the screen to finish creating the page.

Create Dialog


You can also save the page with Ctrl + S.

Create a child page

As before, click the Create button in the upper right corner of the screen to create a new page.

Use the name /[PARENT_PAGE]/NestedPage for your new page, replacing [PARENT_PAGE] with the name you created in the previous section. For example, if you named the previous page /MyPage, then this page would be named /MyPage/NestedPage.

Paste the following content in the body of the new page:

# Nested Page
## Nested Page Header 1
* List 1
* List 2
## Nested Page Header 2
1. Number List 1
2. Number List 2

When you’re done, press the Create button at the bottom right of the screen to save the page.

View parent page

You can easily navigate to the parent page from its child page by clicking the name of the parent page at the top of the child page.

View a list of child pages

A list of child pages is displayed at the bottom of each parent page.

![](/assets /images/page_list.png)