# HTTPS with Let's Encrypt


This cookbook supposes the usage of docker-compose.

# Overview

This chapter introduces how to launch GROWI with the HTTPS server with Let's Encript and nginx proxy.

# How to Configure

# Copy docker-compose.override.yml

Execute the following command to copy ./exmaples/https-portal/docker-compose.override.yml into the base directory of GROWI.

$ cd growi // the base directory of GROWI
$ cp examples/https-portal/docker-compose.override.yml .

# Launch GROWI

Launch GROWI and access to the site.

docker-compose up

https://example.com (opens new window)

# Set Custom Domain

In ./docker-compose.override.yml, set DOMAINS to a domain of your choice.

      // replace 'example.com' with a domain of your choice
      DOMAINS: 'example.com -> http://app:3000'