LDAP Integration


Registering an LDAP server allows users to login via LDAP.

LDAP Server Settings

  1. Access the Security Settings page (/admin/security) on the administration page and open the LDAP tag in the Authentication Mechanism Settings.

  2. Turn on the "Enable LDAP" switch and enter the necessary information.

  • Server URL: Enter the URL in the format ldaps://host:port/BaseDN.
    • Schema should be ldap or ldaps.
    • Port is optional.
  • Binding mode: Choose the behavior when connecting to an LDAP server to search for users.
    • Manager Bind: This mode allows you to set a specific DN in advance and use it to search for LDAP users. Select this mode to have permissions such as uid=admin.
    • User Bind: A mode in which a DN is dynamically created from the username entered in the GROWI login form and used to search for LDAP users.
  • Bind DN
    • Enter the account DN to be used when authenticating to the directory service.
    • Use the format {{username}} for User Bind to use the username entered at login.
      • Example: uid={{username}},dc=example,dc=com
  • Bind DN Password
    • For Manager Bind only, enter the password to use. (Note: MongoDB will store the plaintext password for the DN in MongoDB).
    • For User Bind, the login password is used.
  • Search Filter
    • Search filters can be used to uniquely determine the user to be authenticated.
    • Use the format {{username}} to use the login username.
    • If left blank, (uid={{username}}) will be used.
    • Example 1: (uid={{username}})
      • Selects LDAP users whose username entered in the login form matches the uid attribute.
    • Example 2: (|(uid={{username}})(mail={{username}}))
      • Selects LDAP users whose username entered in the login form matches the uid or mail attribute.
    • Example 3: (&(uid={{username}})(memberOf=cn=manager,ou=group,dc=example,dc=com))
      • Narrow down the accessible users.
  1. Confirm that the settings have been applied.
  • Log out and access the login screen (/login).
  • If you can login with the account registered in the LDAP, the configuration is complete.

Attribute Mapping (optional)

When creating a new GROWI account based on an LDAP account, the user can specify which values (uid, cn, etc.) of the LDAP account should be associated with the following information in the GROWI account.

  • username: By default, the uid of the LDAP account is applied. (Once an account is created, username cannot be changed.)
  • Mail: By default, mail of the LDAP account is applied.
  • Name: If not specified, Name is left blank.

To automatically associate a newly logged-in user with a local account whose username matches the user's, check the Automatically bind external accounts newly logged in to local accounts when username match checkbox. (Note: Please be careful about security, since a matching username is considered to be the same user)

Group Search Filters (optional)

Enables login only if a posixGroup exists that meets the specified criteria. To enable this feature, set the following values in the LDAP tag in the authentication mechanism settings on the security settings page.

  • Group Search Base DN: The DN to be treated as the base DN when searching for groups. Example: ou=group,dc=example,dc=com
  • Group Search Filter: The query to use for group filtering. Only when a group hits this query will the LDAP login succeed. Use {{dn}} to replace with the properties of the user object to be logged in. Example: (&(cn=group1)(memberUid={{dn}})) will hit a group with cn=group1 and a memberUid that contains the user's uid (if the User DN property has not been changed from the default uid)
  • User DN property: Properties of the user object that will be replaced by {{dn}} in the group search filter. Default: uid