# Upgrading MongoDB
- Upgrade MongoDB from v3.4 to v3.6
- Upgrade MongoDB from v3.6 to v4.0
- Upgrade MongoDB from v4.0 to v4.2
- Upgrade MongoDB from v4.2 to v4.4
- Upgrade MongoDB from v4.4 to v5.0
- Upgrade MongoDB from v5.0 to v6.0
- Appendix A: Example upgrade steps for for docker users
- Appendix B: Example upgrade steps for for docker-compose users
This page content may be needed when you upgrade GROWI version to the following.
When you upgrade GROWI version from v4.1.x to v4.2.x, please execute the operations of the following sections in order from the top.
When you upgrade GROWI version from v6.0.x to v6.1.x, please execute the operations of the following sections in order from the top.
# Upgrade MongoDB from v3.4 to v3.6
To upgrade MongoDB from v3.4 to v3.6, See here (opens new window).
# Upgrade MongoDB from v3.6 to v4.0
To upgrade MongoDB from v3.6 to v4.0, See here (opens new window).
# Upgrade MongoDB from v4.0 to v4.2
To upgrade MongoDB from v4.0 to v4.2, See here (opens new window).
# Upgrade MongoDB from v4.2 to v4.4
To upgrade MongoDB from v4.2 to v4.4, See here (opens new window).
# Upgrade MongoDB from v4.4 to v5.0
To upgrade MongoDB from v4.4 to v5.0, See here (opens new window).
# Upgrade MongoDB from v5.0 to v6.0
To upgrade MongoDB from v5.0 to v6.0, See here (opens new window).
# Appendix A: Example upgrade steps for for docker users
The following is an example of upgrading MongoDB from v5.0 to v6.0.
Set the actual MongoDB container name to MONGO_CONTAINER_NAME
Run the following while running MongoDB v5.0.
export MONGO_VERSION=5.0 export MONGO_CONTAINER_NAME=mymongodb docker exec $MONGO_CONTAINER_NAME mongo --eval 'db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "'$MONGO_VERSION'" } )'
Stop MongoDB v5.0 container.
Launch MongoDB v6.0
# Appendix B: Example upgrade steps for for docker-compose users
The following is an example of upgrading MongoDB from v5.0 to v6.0.
Set the actual MongoDB service name to MONGO_CONTAINER_NAME
Run the following while running MongoDB v5.0.
export MONGO_VERSION=5.0 export MONGO_SERVICE_NAME=mymongodb docker-compose exec $MONGO_SERVICE_NAME mongo --eval 'db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "'$MONGO_VERSION'" } )'
Stop MongoDB v5.0 container.
Change the version of MongoDB in your YAML file.
Launch new services with MongoDB v6.0